The Junior Champions Program (JCP) is designed to guide junior golfers through their journey from beginning golfer to champion golfer. Players may enter the program regardless of their current level of ability.
Four levels are available in the program:
• Pee Wee (ages 5-6),
• Player (little to no experience),
• Competitor (those just entering competitive golf)
• Champion (players with tournament experience who want to improve their game.)
The Champion Level is designed for players with tournament experience who want to move to the next level. High school players wanting to make the team, move up from JV to Varsity or qualify for the state tournament will benefit most from this program. All aspects of the player’s game will be addressed and a high level of commitment is required.
Instruction Topics include: an extensive focus on full swing, short game, mental game, course management, tournament preparation, practice routines and rules, as well as competitive games on the course.
This class will meet each week on Thursdays from 5:00-6:30 from March-October.
Ages: 13-18
Time: Thursday, 5:00-6:30
Cost: $240 per month. Classes run from March-October. Please note the membership fee automatically renews each month so you do not need to register separately for each month. To discontinue or pause your membership, contact Dennis Wells at
Max: 8 players